Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Randall Niles explains what this
discovery really means to the integrity of the ancient scriptures.
What is the relevance of the Dead Sea Scrolls today?
The relevance of the scrolls in many ways is up to the indiviual. It cannot be denied that the discovery of the scrolls are fascinating to most people. They are relevant in the way that they encourage us to believe in mystery, even real treasure as the copper scroll indicates. We are mesmerised by the ancient wisdom whether or not we are believers. And for believers or people in the Church, people of faith, this is indeed a breakthrough discovery defining the life of those that conributed to the texts and scriptures. Some believe that it also defines Jesus.
The scrolls give a new beginning to the Bible. Christianity and Judaism are not so far apart it seems. Also the relationship between the discovery and the western world is great. The fact that many mainstream writers choose this topic to explore, academics alike publishing on the internet and also books, proves that the Dead Sea Scrolls are not only popular history but relevant to our sense of wonder today.
Naturally, being so old, the scrolls have generated a lot of response. They are unique discoveries and shrouded by mystique. There are many theories and talk of conspiracy, cover ups and the juicy fact that the scrolls were passed from dealer to dealer in the black market all those years ago, gives a modern perspective. This, and the actual scrolls are intriuging to us.
Many scientists, scholars and people of faith are still digging in the Qumran region, trying to find answers. It will be many years before there is actual evidence to support theories. The scrolls and their story remain somewhat of a mystery still. They are now testing certain ink pots found in the region to verify the origin of the scrolls and to determine the actual residence of the Essenes. Although we have many theories, and to many concrete archeological evidence, we have methods now that that can delve further. Our testing methods are more mature and high tech. The scrolls are now digitised and easily accessible.
After being hidden away, whilst being pieced together, the scrolls generated immense curiosity. Now they are published and on display, we can actually see them. But the process of preserving the scrolls is difficult. They remained untouched in the desert for 2000 years. In a climate that preserved them. Now they are disintegrating. They may be all of disappeared in the future and their relevance, a historical discovery now recorded digitally.
The Dead Sea Scrolls discovery not only provides more insight into religion but also faith. Perhaps the discovery has breathed new life into the Bible, for the scrolls certainly seem to have a life force. Whether or not the scrolls were intended to be found by a shepherd boy, 2000 years after being hidden away, is unknown. Indeed the whereabouts, or the disppearance of the Essenes are another mystery. As to, is Jesus' relationship to the Essenes and whether or not he had involvement in the scrolls.
It is fathomable that as a society we now believe in the Dead Sea Scrolls as we have believed in the Bible. Of course it is all a matter of individual interpretation, but it is inspring to witness the belief in the scrolls and their mystery. Religious people have always beleived in the Bible and until now it has not been too encouraged to question faith. Perhaps it has been the correct time for the discovery. A time when 'sensationalists', scholars and the Church can all research the same discovery. We are allowed to question. We are open minded and the scrolls in some way bring us back to history reminding us of greater things and indeed the respect for the faith of others and the faith of those who wrote the scrolls.
For this blog, I found a relevant video on the internet. I did want to post a National Geographic documentary that I saw but it is no longer available on you tube. I reflected on the information that I have found and summarised this.
This process has been a very insightful time. I have learnt a great deal about a topic that I have always been intruiged by. The Dead Sea Scrolls can be researched for a long time. One of my challenges was to summarise my findings and not to be too specific or to go off on a tangent.
Niles, R 2007, Importance of the dead sea scrolls, 12 October, viewed 2 June 2012,
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