Thursday, 3 May 2012

Intent and plan.

The topic, The Dead Sea Scrolls (A Jewish library collection) is what I have chosen to conduct my research project on. Religious issues and in particular the Dead Sea Scrolls are of particular interest to me. I have studied this topic before in secondary college as well as biblical issues and I am looking forward to delving into a research project that will further develop my interest in this area.

I plan to search the internet for information on the Dead Sea Scrolls. I will conduct Google searches on the topic and slightly change my search criteria to obtain many results. For example, I will not only search for ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls, a Jewish library collection’ but conduct other searches such as ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls, educational resources’, ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls enthusiast information’, ‘Podcasts of Dead Sea Scrolls’ and other searches which will lead me to relevant information. I plan to find not only books on this topic but journals/journal entries, video and audio recordings and newspapers. I will look at online libraries also, such as The Jewish Virtual Library.

I will visit the State Library and look for relevant materials as well as visiting The Makor Library which is a Jewish Library located in Caulfield South.  I will also visit the Theosophical Society Library, located in Melbourne, City. I expect that I will find a lot of information regarding this topic. I will be taking relevant notes and citing correct bibliographic details as I conduct the research.  

I am planning on also conducting an interview with a contact that I have a t La Trobe University. Or I will contact my Aunt who is an academic and an expert on religion, history of religion and conspiracy theories. I will record information that I retrieve.

The main areas I will include in my research project are;
·         The Dead Sea Scrolls – A history, overview
·         The Dead Sea Scrolls – Exhibit (images and videos)
·         The Dead Sea Scrolls -  Conspiracy Theories
·         The Dead Sea Scrolls – And Christianity
·         The Dead Sea Scrolls – Relevance today
·         The Dead Sea Scrolls – Relevant links and materials

I am sure that I will enjoy this project immensely and that I will encounter an experience and a world of discovery. I expect that I will have to ensure that  I am following the search criteria as outlined in this plan and that main areas are adhered to.

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